Page 10 - BB_Sept_2018
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               Why Try The Home & Garden Show?

                     his is your last chance to secure a booth   Tanked! Plus, they always stick around meet our
                     in the Fall Home & Garden Show, the       guests and take a selfie, which are loved by kids
               T show is September 14-16, don’t                        and adults alike!
               miss out on meeting thousands of                              Along with Wayde & Brett, the
               qualified buyers! Where else                                  show has many features to
               can you create your own                                        not only get families there,
               show room through which                                        but keep them there! There is
               thousands of San Antonio’s                                   wreath making classes, just in
               homeowners stroll, in just                                  time for the holidays, a Farmer’s
               one weekend?                                              Market on the pavilion, pottery wheel
                  Recognized as one of the                               demonstrations, pet adoptions, bird of               SEPT 14-16 The Alamodome
               premier Home & Garden events                                  prey shows and the ever-popular
               in the country and the largest                                 Eats & Sweets food court! Plus,
               in Texas, this buyer’s showcase                               no babysitter is necessary, the
               boasts hundreds of exhibits from                          kids will have fun too; this year they               Meet Thousands of Qualified
               San Antonio’s finest Builders,                            can meet Skye & Chase of PAW Patrol,
               Remodelers, Designers and Home                            build a project with The Home Depot,                 Buyers at The Biggest Home
               Improvement experts; giving you                           do some gardening or sewing and
               the chance to participate and                                decorate cupcakes!                                and Garden Event in Texas!
               distinguish yourself as one of the                             And guests can visit this year’s
               city’s finest! This is the 32nd Annual Fall                 Garden Stage to get answers to their               The San Antonio Home and Garden show, presented by the Greater San
               Show, presented by the Greater                                toughest gardening questions!
               San Antonio Builders Association                              Whether you have a green                         Antonio Builders Association, is proud to celebrate our 32nd year
               and promises to be the best yet,     82% of attendees         thumb, hope to get one or just                   serving San Antonio. We are especially proud to be the largest, most
               with popular celebrity guests,        are within prime        want to keep those few potted                    prestigious, and best attended home and garden event in Texas.
               activities and interests that are    buying age, 25-64.       plants alive there is a seminar for              What does that mean to you and how does it translate to sales?
               sure to appeal to the whole family                            you! The local master gardeners                    Distinguish yourself as one of San Antonio’s finest builders
               and an unparalleled advertising      78% of attendees         and garden clubs will be on stage                  or Remodelers
               campaign, bringing you local            have annual           all weekend discussing common
               buyers!                              household incomes        gardening topics specific to San                   Create a show room right at the show and visit face to face
               Your cost per lead CANNOT                of $75,000+.         Antonio’s climate & soils! They will               with thousands of customers who paid to see you

               be matched by any form of                                     share their secrets on maintaining                 Bring your samples, interactive floor plans and sales
                                                         95% of              a beautiful landscape despite                      materials and give quotes and bids right there at the show
               traditional media.
                                                    attendees are local      watering restrictions, butterfly
                  The celebrity guests are a           homeowners.           gardens, bat conservation,                       Thousands of Customers. Qualified
               favorite among Animal Planet                                  container gardening and more!                    Leads. Face-to-Face Sales. All in one
               fans and fish enthusiasts as well    83% of attendees
               as anyone who likes a good                                    for coupon, updates and changes as this          place. All on one weekend.
               laugh! Wayde King and Brett         will purchase goods       great show draws near!
               Raymer will take the stage, to tell   or services at the         Call Show Technology @ 210-408-0998            To secure your space at the show,
               hilarious stories of the behind-the-   show or within         for more information on becoming an               contact us:
               scene antics that go on at ATM         6 months of it.        exhibitor, seminar schedules or to get a
               and throughout the filming of                                 discount coupon.                                  210-408-0998

       10                             SEPTEMBER 2018  |  GREATER SAN ANTONIO BUILDERS ASSOCIATION                    
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