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Based on the survey results, the authors also           home buyer’s list, but the preferred conveniences
         defined a composite “Five Star House.” It included      listed in the survey results paint a picture of a very
         a full basement complete with a recreation room,        different standard of living 80 years ago.
         laundry, fruit and vegetable storage (pantry) and       In order of preference, “conveniences” that
         an “automatic heating plant with provision for          prospective home buyers wanted in 1938 included
         circulation of air” (aka, a furnace). A dumbwaiter      an automatic water heater, a mechanical
         was also high on the list.                              refrigerator, an oven heat controlled stove, a kitchen
         Much like today, buyers said essential features on      ventilating fan, a bathroom heater, a disposal, and
         the main floor included plenty of electrical outlets, a   a dishwasher sink, an early-1900s concept that has
         separate dining room, a dining nook in the kitchen,     since been re-introduced to the market. Today, all of
         a bedroom or den, a lavatory, kitchen cabinets, a       those items are likely to be standard in a new home
         kitchen ventilating fan and an entrance vestibule.      and some are required by code.
         Optional features included a laundry chute, a porch     If there was any doubt about shared values
         and an attached garage.                                 between today’s home buyers and buyers in the
         On the second floor, the respondents wanted three       1930s, the list of pet peeves makes it clear there are
         bedrooms, two bathrooms and plenty of closet            more similarities than differences. The number one
         space. Options included a sleeping porch and            complaint about homes in 1938 was “not enough
         additional storage space.                               closet space.”
         Perhaps because of their New York location, the         It was closely followed by: “not enough electrical
         survey respondents showed a strong preference           outlets,” “can’t heat the room evenly,” “poor kitchen
         for colonial-style homes, particularly the so-called    arrangement,” and “draftiness.” The authors
         “Dutch colonial” with a gambrel roof. The survey        also found it noteworthy that much like today’s
         respondents also strongly preferred brick exterior      consumers, more than half (51%) said they must have
         walls.                                                  wall and ceiling insulation and 48% indicated they
         Amenities are always at the top of a prospective        would like to have it.                NAHB FEB 2018

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                                   Entry Fee Per Team
                                  $ 750 Per Team
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                 all golf teams will include one golf pro
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               In Partnership with        11:30 am Registration
                                          11:30 am
                   Parrish & Co.                                                Monday, May 7
                                          12:00 pm lunch
                Builders FirstSource      12:00 pm  lunch                 Hyatt Hill Country Golf Club
                                          1:00 pm
                                                   shot-gun start
                     TopBuild             1:00 pm shot-gun start
               Ironwood Connection        6:00 pm  reception & dinner         For partnership information
                                          6:00 pm reception & dinner
            OneDigital Health & Benefits                                          contact Feliz Morin
                                          7:00 pm awards
           Hollywood-Crawford Door Co.    7:00 pm  awards      | 210-696-3800
                                       MARCH 2018  |  GREATER SAN ANTONIO BUILDERS ASSOCIATION                      15
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