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called Making Money with Change Orders &
                                                                       Allowances. Some of the key points he shared

                                                                       � Determine How Much You’re Worth
                                                                       First, specify each step of the change order
                                                                       process, no matter how small, and decide
                                                                       how much time it takes to complete each
                                                                       step. Then, determine exactly what you need
                                                                       to charge by the hour, the day and the week
                                                                       to generate enough income — including
                                                                       administrative fees.
                                                                       Dixon advises never to negotiate on your
        Finding Hidden Profits                                       rate and to establish a minimum fee for each

          From Change Orders                                         change order to reinforce the seriousness of
                                                                     each request.
                                                                     “People always tell me, ‘Dennis, I can’t do that.
            Is work-related stress causing you heart burn,           People will get mad.’ But I tell them they don’t
            high blood pressure or even hair loss? There’s a         have to explain themselves. By [adding the
            chance that improving your health might — to             cost of processing the change order] you’re
            some degree — involve improving your contracts.          not a criminal. That’s how you stay alive in this
            Many builders have contracts and change                  business.”
            order policies that leave too much room for              � Do Not Proceed Without Formal
            interpretation and an excessive amount of client             Client Approval
            flexibility. That could potentially add stress for       Each change order is a mini contract. It must
            the builder that could have been avoided.                include a decision due date, which if it isn’t met,
            Dennis Dixon is the owner of Dixon Builders in           will result in the change order being cancelled.
            Flagstaff, Ariz. Throughout his 34-year career in        Dixon is not a fan of clients sending and
            home building, he’s learned the key to finding           approving requests electronically. In his
            hidden profits — and maintaining his sanity — is         experience, those methods can make the
            in change orders. But it requires having a refined       process seem less serious to the client and, in
            contract that thoroughly explains your change            fact, encourage them to make more change
            order policies.                                          orders.
            “Your contract doesn’t have to be fancy. It just         “Getting client signatures on change orders
            needs to be in plain, simple English, clearly            sometimes feels like you’re asking them to
            stating what the builder will and will not do, and       reach into a bag of rattlesnakes,” Dixon said.
            what will be required of the client,” Dixon said.        But obtaining that signature first will save the
            “It’s incredible how much time and effort you can        builder from running into significant issues
            save by having things spelled out in the contract        down the road.
            Last month during the 2018 International                 � Document everything, EVERY TIME
            Builders’ Show, Dixon led an education session           Dixon says it doesn’t matter what you use to

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