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Work with Mortgage Lenders

                   to Avoid Payment Surprises

               Sales consultants for new construction
               should be working hand in hand with their
               mortgage lenders to ensure the buyers can
               close on their loans if the interest rates rise
               during the construction period, says Alma                 Make Connections, Share Content and
               Jacobs, MIRM, of Atlantic Bay Mortgage
               Group in Charlotte, N.C.                                   Place Targeted Ads on Social Media
               “The building company should make
               sure they have an option for the sales                   “The main focus for home builders in 2018
               consultant to use this as a sales tool,” she             is an authentic voice and lead generation
               explains. “A prospect may walk away from                 in social media,” says Lauren Karsh, MIRM,
               new construction if they have a fear of not              CMP, of Colorado Modern Communication
               getting the home or having the payment                   in Parker, Colorado.
               increase above their monthly budgeted                    “Social will begin to serve as a publishing
               payment. This just might be a silent                     outlet, not just a sharing platform. Why
               objection.”                                              would our homebuying demographic leave
               Jacobs also suggests creating a marketing                their favorite social apps when they can get
               campaign around “guaranteed” rates for an                all the content they want in one place? Also,
               extended period of time (six months or more              highly targeted ads have proven effective
               if you purchase one of our new homes).                   and simple for lead generation.”
                                                                                                      NAHB JAN 2018

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                                       MARCH 2018  |  GREATER SAN ANTONIO BUILDERS ASSOCIATION                     23
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