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HUD relevant statutory provisions for the grants and
eligible disaster recovery activities. They also
Allocates require each grantee to primarily consider and
address its unmet housing recovery needs.
Diaster Importantly, CDBG-DR supplements other
Recovery federal programs to address unmet recovery
Funds HUD allocated $5 billion for Texas, $616 million
for Florida, $1.5 billion for Puerto Rico and $243
The Department of Housing and Urban million for the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Development has released its policies regarding Also, like the policies that applied to CDBG-DR
how it will allocate $7.39 billion in Community grants associated with other recent disasters,
Development Block Grant disaster recovery grantees must meet the following environmental
(CDBG–DR) funds provided by the 2017 requirements:
Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief. › Minimum two-foot elevation for new
The policies apply specifically to CDBG-DR funds construction, repair of substantial damage
used for disaster relief, long-term recovery, or substantial improvement of residential
restoration of infrastructure and housing and structures in the 100-year floodplain; and
economic revitalization in the areas affected by
disasters in 2017, including Texas, Florida, Puerto › Compliance with a recognized green building
Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. standard (such as the ICC-700 National Green
They describe HUD’s grant award and allocation Building Standard) for replacement and new
method including criteria for approval, construction of residential housing.
applicable waivers and alternative requirements, NAHB FEB 2018
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