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What New Home
Sales & Marketing
Professionals Should
Know for 2018
Several new home sales and marketing experts Home Tour Via Augmented
who hold the MIRM (Master In Residential Reality is Coming Soon
Marketing) designation weigh in on what you
need to know to be ready for 2018.
Today’s technology-savvy buyers are
Use Modern Tools, But it’s Still always looking for cutting-edge ways to
make informed decisions about homes
About Relationships — from home, says David Corbell, MIRM,
of Corbell Inc. in San Francisco. Like the
internet changed the way we market
Pros must make the purchasing experience homes, augmented reality is poised to be
seem unique and personal with a high level the next great sales tool.
of service despite an environment of online Imagine showing buyers what a specific
interaction and less face-to-face contact plan, elevation and exterior color their
with our clients, says John Barker, MIRM, of home would look like, while standing on
Windermere Real Estate/East Inc. in Kirkland, their bare home site. They can walk around
Washington. and see the house in front of them from the
“Evolving technology makes the builder and backyard. And when they’re finished, email
salesperson often nameless and faceless in them a personalized brochure. This is just a
the eyes of the consumer, making it all the small example
more challenging to establish relationships, of what you’ll
which is still a key element in achieving be able to do
greater sales volume,” he explains. with nothing
“While automation may be convenient for more than a
both the builder and the client, it can lead smartphone
to a home being a commodity that can or tablet.
be sought from any number of providers Augmented
if you are not also focused on inspiring reality is
and establishing a relationship with your coming — so
customers.” be ready.