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Ad Design for GSABA Builder Brief
                                                                                     (Nov 2017)
                                                                   SPECIALIZING IN EXCEPTIONAL
                                                                   ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHY

                                                                   GR APHIC DESIGN • COMMERCIAL PHOTO GR APHY
                                                                   WEB SITE DEVEL OPMENT • VIDE O PRODUCTION

                   Budget Accord May

               Affect Rebuilding Efforts

            The two-year budget accord signed by President
            Trump earlier this month contains provisions from a
            House of Representatives disaster relief bill (H.R. 4460,
            the Disaster Recovery Reform Act) designed for states
            hit hard by hurricanes and wildfires in 2017.
            Specifically, the bill suggests that states may receive
            additional funding if they take steps to increase their
            readiness for and resilience from major disasters,
            such as adopting a mitigation plan or encouraging
            the adoption of the latest edition of the building
            However, the details on how these provisions will
            work are still in flux, awaiting the publication of
            federal guidance on how regulators must administer      JASON ROBERTS & ASSOCIATES, INC.
            these provisions. NAHB plans to work closely with              GRAPHIC DESIGN & PHOTOGRAPHY
            officials from the Federal Emergency Management         Photography & Graphic Design by Jason Roberts has
            Agency (FEMA) to ensure that this guidance keeps        been published in The Austin/San Antonio Design Guide,
                                                                     Texas NHome Magazine, Texas Monthly, Cowboys &
            housing affordability top of mind.                      Indians Magazine, LUXE, The Austin-San Antonio Urban
            Importantly, NAHB worked to make several improvements   Home Magazine and many other quality periodicals as
            to the language in H.R. 4460 before it became part of   well as numerous applications for print and electronic
                                                                            media for a wide variety of clients.
            the budget bill.
                                                                       (featured image above photographed for Mike Hollaway Custom Homes)
            Earlier versions gave FEMA the authority to veto         Contact me by phone or email to be entered into a
            state and local amendments to building codes as                 drawing for a FREE PHOTOSHOOT
            a condition to receiving additional federal dollars       (GSABA members only) Call or email for details.
            to address mitigation efforts, or reduced the federal
            cost share for certain disaster recovery grants if a
            state did not adopt the most building codes and
            NAHB continues to closely follow these developments           Call for a FREE Initial Consultation.
            and will send a letter to FEMA outlining our concerns.  210.789.2033 mobile • 210.340.2033 studio
                                                   NAHB FEB 2018      
                                                                        GSABA SUMMIT AWARD WINNER 2009-2017

       28                              MARCH 2018  |  GREATER SAN ANTONIO BUILDERS ASSOCIATION

                                                                  Client:          Jason Roberts & Associates, Inc.
                                                                  Ad Size:         1/2 Pg Vertical, 3.625 x 10.625
                                                                  Ad Design Firm:  Jason Roberts & Associates, Inc., San Antonio TX
                                                                  Copyright © 2017 Jason Roberts & Associates, Inc.
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