Page 4 - BB_Nov_2018
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                                                                                                                                    THE RIGHT

                                                                  6  Message from the
                                          9                            President                                                    PARTNERSHIPS

                                          Casino                 15  The 5 Best Practices of
                                          Night                        High-Performing Sales

                                                                       Managers                                                     DRIVE SUCCESS

                                                                18   The Hybrid Home Network:
                                    33                                 Avoiding the ‘Spinning                                     “This industry does so much for so

                                    2018 BuildPAC                      Beachball of Death’                                          many. I’m proud to help clients who
                                    Golf Tournament

                                                                26   Chinese Tariffs Act as a $1                                    make dreams become reality.”

                                                                       Billion Tax Hike on Housing,                                 Every development project starts with a personal connection.
                                          11                           Could Jump to $2.5 Billion                                   Broadway Bank’s Casey Friesenhahn knows the ins and outs

                                          2018 Holiday                                                                              of construction. His expertise in single family developments
                                                                 32  Closing Strategies for                                         can help you with customized lending strategies. With 25
                                                                                                                                    years of experience, Casey is the banker who will take your
                                          Installation                 Today’s ‘Amazon Prime’                                       projects from conception to completion.
                                                                       Home Buyer
                                                                                                                                    CASEY’S FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE
                                                                                                                                    IS YOUR FINANCIAL EDGE.
                                             EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE
                                                                                                                                    CASEY FRIESENHAHN
                                                                                                                                    Senior Vice President  |  Commercial Real Estate Lender

                Bryan Smith        Jeff Buell       Jeff Czar       Ed Berlanga     Dominick Alongi  Wayne Moravits
                 President      First Vice President  Vice President Treasurer  Vice President Secretary  Assoc. Vice President  Immediate Past President

                Scott Whisenant  Jack Uptmore      Dale Sauer       Frank Sitterle   Gary Javore     Kristi Sutterfield
              Past Assoc. Vice President  Past President Rep.  Builder Rep.  Builder Rep.  General Counsel  Executive Vice President  Commercial Banking | Commercial Loans & Lines of Credit
                                                                                                                                      Commercial Real Estate | Treasury Solutions

                      3625 Paesanos Parkway    Greater San Antonio Builders Association (GSABA) is a local not for profit trade association that offers opportunities to    35+ Financial Centers  |  Member FDIC
                      San Antonio, TX 78231    its members to display their products and services. We make no representation, expressed or implied, regarding the
                      (210) 696-3800           qualifications of members or the quality of their products and services. The Builder Brief is the official publication of the
                                               GSABA. The Builder Brief (USPS # 996-680) is published monthly by GSABA. Periodicals postage paid in San Antonio, Texas.

       4                              NOVEMBER 2018  |  GREATER SAN ANTONIO BUILDERS ASSOCIATION

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