Page 135 - USUI Benefit Book
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including doctors, nurses, technicians, medical students, H. Law Enforcement. The Plan may disclose your PHI if
or other hospital personnel who are involved in taking asked to do so by a law enforcement official for reasons
care of you. For example, the Plan might disclose such as:
information about your prior prescriptions to a
pharmacist to determine if a pending prescription would • in response to a court order, subpoena, warrant,
have an adverse reaction with prior prescriptions. summons or similar process;
• to identify or locate a suspect, fugitive, material
D. As Required By Law. The Plan will disclose your PHI witness, or missing person;
when required to do so by law. For example, the Plan • about the victim of a crime if, under certain limited
may disclose PHI when required by a court order in a circumstances, the Plan is unable to obtain the
litigation proceeding such as a malpractice action. In person's agreement;
addition, if you are involved in a lawsuit or a dispute, • about a death the Plan believes may be the result of
the Plan may disclose PHI about you in response to a criminal conduct; and
court or administrative order. • in emergency circumstances to report a crime; the
location of the crime or victims; or the identity,
E. Workers' Compensation. The Plan may disclose description or location of the person who committed
your PHI for workers' compensation or similar the crime.
programs, as authorized by and to the extent necessary
to comply with workers' compensation laws. I. To Avert a Serious Threat to Health or Safety. The
Plan may use and disclose PHI about you when
F. Public Health Activities. The Plan may disclose your necessary to prevent a serious threat to your health and
PHI for public health activities. These activities safety or the health and safety of the public or another
generally include the following: person. Any disclosure, however, would only be to
someone able to help prevent the threat.
• to prevent or control disease, injury or disability;
• to report births and deaths; J. Disclosure to Health Plan Sponsor. PHI may be
• to report child abuse or neglect; disclosed to Company personnel for purposes of
• to report reactions to medications or problems with administering benefits under the Plan.
• to notify people of recalls of products they may be K. Other Uses of Protected Health Information. Other
using; uses and disclosures of PHI not covered by this notice or
• to notify a person who may have been exposed to a the laws that apply to the Plan will be made only with
disease or may be at risk for contracting or spreading your written authorization. Your authorization is
a disease or condition; generally required for any use or disclosure of
• to notify the appropriate government authority if the psychotherapy notes; any use or disclosure of PHI for
Plan believes an individual has been the victim of marketing; or any sale of PHI. If you provide the Plan
abuse, neglect or domestic violence. The Plan will with authorization to use or disclose your PHI, you may
only make this disclosure if you agree or when revoke that authorization, in writing, at any time. If you
required or authorized by law. revoke your authorization, the Plan will no longer use or
disclose your PHI for the reasons covered by your
G. Health Oversight Activities. The Plan may disclose written authorization. You understand that the Plan is
PHI to a health oversight agency for activities authorized unable to take back any disclosures the Plan has already
by law. These oversight activities include, for example, made with your authorization.
audits, investigations, inspections, and licensure. These
activities are necessary for the government to monitor 2. Your Rights Regarding Protected Health
the health care system, government programs, and Information
compliance with civil rights laws.
You have the following rights regarding PHI the Plan
maintains about you.