Page 152 - 十週年紀念 電子書
P. 152
楊澤君 謝繼宏 傳播學系
Rediscovering the Humanity of the Buddha: 如何落實佛法於生活
A Study on the Portrayal of the Buddha in
Humanistic Buddhism: Holding True to the Original Intents of the Buddha
The portrayal of the Buddha as a human is a response to the crisis 宙大化之中,哪裡沒有佛陀?甚至佛陀是住在信仰裡,你信仰佛
Chinese Buddhism faced in the modern period. The recent westernize 陀,實踐他的教法,他就住在你的心中,住在你的行住坐臥之中。」
and modernize China had sparked attacks on Buddhism along with 從如上星雲法師於《人間佛教佛陀本懷》之序文中,其實已然說明
other old traditions at the time. As demonstrated in the analysis earlier, 闡釋了佛陀之出於世間,而其佛道行於世間之其「佛離世間求,猶
Humanistic Buddhism as the modernize Chinese Buddhism addresses 如覓兔角」的實相道理。然於現今快速的時代變遷中,「知其佛
these crisis by retelling the Buddha’s life accounts and to illustrate 道」、「欲與佛行」與「欲行佛道」之間,則又有著各自不同的觀
Buddhism as a rational, non-superstition religion. Its founder, a 照及其落點,其「信」、「願」、「行」三者之間更須配合著時代
historical person with human qualities. The humanity of the Buddha 的腳步與變化,才能有其隨機應變的步驟與方針,亦也才能將其佛
is rediscovered in Master Hsing Yun’s writing. Moreover, Buddhism 法如實的落實於日常生活之中。
is presented as embodying ideologies of democracy, liberty, equality,
humanism, human right, nationalism, socialism, not only in line with
but even transcends Confucian values. Aspects of the Buddha’s life were
emphasised and hermeneutically utilize to flesh out ideas conforming to
these dominant ideologies. This reflects what Buddhism has to answer
to and adapt to in order to survive and be accepted in the society.
The present paper indicates that Master Hsung Yun’s Humanistic
Buddhism as a form of Contemporary mainstream Chinese Buddhism
still addresses the same issues as with when Humanistic Buddhism first
emerged. It infers that the same expectations and ideologies may still
underlie contemporary Chinese society.
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