Page 68 - 十週年紀念 電子書
P. 68

morning evening meditation session and chanting, the daily duties                   the theoretical as well more importantly the practical experience of
            of cooking and services and many tips and rules in Buddhist prac-                   being Buddhist. It taught me the important life lessons and valu-
            tice that I was unaware even existed, and would still be unaware of                 able knowledge about life and Buddhist ethics and values, eventu-
            had it not been a part of my experience. Because of this I realized                 ally this enable me to become a responsible and successful human
            I still had a lot to learn despite what I thought, these experience                 being in life. All these aspects made me well rounded as a person.
            allows me to improve my knowledge in field of Buddhist studies                      It has been a life changing opportunity and experience at FGU

            and practice Buddhism practically.                                                  DBS. These experiences are truly irreplaceable and I would never
               In regard to learning theoretical knowledge, being in MA Bud-                    forget.
            dhist Studies program, I have had privilege of learning different
            Buddhist traditions, different subject on Buddhism and interesting                                          Thank You, Thank You, and Thank You
            things about Buddhist Cultures and Traditions.
                                                                                                As I arrived at the Department of
                                                                                                Buddhist Studies, I was greeted
                                    The theoretical and practical learning
                                                                                                by Venerable Huiyi, who was then
                                   in different field of Buddhism has been                      the teacher in charge of the male
                                   valuable to me because it has cleared up                     dormitory. Perhaps seeing the wea-
                                   some of my misconceptions and supersti-                      riness of my travels, he treated me
                                                                                                to a hot bowl of braised noodles.
                                   tious about Buddhism I had, thus allow-                      From that day on, we were to be-

                                   ing me to be less ignorant in the field and                  come good friends, and a source of
                                   practice of Buddhism. To me this is one                      good memories for that matter.

                                   of the areas of my life which supports
            my vision that conventional education does not necessarily lead to                   My decision to do a MA in Buddhist Studies at Fo Guang Uni-
            personal development.                                                               versity was partly inspired by my old time friend and now fellow
                                                                                                monk at Fo Guang Shan, who suggested that I experience life in

                                                                                                Taiwan before making the decision to take up monastic life. Heed-
             In summary my time at FGU
            DBS has enriched my life in                                                         ing to his advice, I went through the application process and with-
            many ways, it has provided me                                                       in merely a couple of months, I was on the plane for Taiwan. As I

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