Page 63 - 十週年紀念 電子書
P. 63

er for guiding us in our daily life. Venerable Miao Jia was our   how horrified I felt upon hearing it. Despite of all that, we all
 teacher, and she is still currently guiding students in DBS today.   strived on and broke through.
 She was always there to give us encouragement and pushing us
 to reach of our lim-   Aside from classmates, I had also met lots of kind seniors who
 it. I was a very quiet   took good care of us and always gave us tips on studying. They
 person back then. She   were still helping me even today. There were also the juniors from
 would always talk me   the undergraduate class who always looked up to us for help. As

 into joining different   we all lived together, we were like one big family.
 activities. Slowly, I
 was able to feel at ease

 in communicating with        在生命的轉彎處遇見佛教學系
 others  and  working                                           文/吳芳儀
 with them.

  Another great memory that I have of DBS is my dearest class-  踏進佛教學系,
 mates. In Canada, we never have the same group of classmates for   我無時無刻都能感受到師長
 different classes. Thus, we would have eight different groups of
 classmates in one day. Having the same classmates for the whole   互幫助與支持。
 two years was a very new experience for me and I had made many
 good friends. Together, we had struggled through the classes and

 the thesis together. We also had fun together. In a way, we were
 like comrade, trying to finish up the thesis together. I still remem-
               那年,我 27 歲。剛經歷過一場重大車禍。車禍,讓我驚覺原
 bered how we had stayed up late night after night working on the
 thesis. We encouraged each other whenever we were down and
 stressful. There was time when my advising professor, professor
 Solonin asked me to rewrite two chapters. You can just imagine
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