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Table 1.1. Technological Innovation Research Areas for Industry and
Development Research Rationale/Objective level
Challenges Areas of Research
Traffic congestion Traffic To conduct a study UP
leading to tourist management on new scientific
destinations such as traffic management
Calamba City and Los scheme
Banos in Laguna,
Sariaya in Quezon,
Bauan and Batangas
City in Batangas and
Antipolo City and
Cainta in Rizal.
Table 1.2. Socio-economic and Policy Research Areas for Industry and
Development Research Rationale/Objective
Challenges Areas of Research level
Negative impacts of Impact of To assess the HP
ASEAN integration, ASEAN readiness of the
including free trade Integration to Region to integrate
agreements with Korea local in the ASEAN
and China, employment economy Community.
and preparedness of To identify the
industries, while seizing effects/benefits of
the opportunities to the ASEAN
participate in their Integration to import
supply chain. and export local
To identify the
effects of the
ASEAN Integration
to local employment.
Calabarzon Regional Development Research Agenda 2018-2022 Page 10