P. 19

2. If qualified from the          2. Receives payment and              Php 150.00              2 minutes                Cashier
                   evaluation of the College/   issue an official receipt
                   Department, the applicant
                   will pay for the testing fee
                   at the Cashier’s office
                   (for paying students
               3. Applicant submits the          4. Receives the required                None                 5 minutes              Admission
                   required documents                documents                                                                         Officer

               3. Applicant receives             Schedules the date of                   None                 2 minutes           Admission Officer
                   examination permit            examination
               4. Applicant takes the            Administers                             None                 60 minutes              Guidance
                   admission examination         Admission                                                                           Counselor or
                   as scheduled                  Examination                                                                       Psychometrician
               5. Applicant gets the Notice      Releases Notice of                      None                  5minutes               Admission
                   of Admission                  Admission and logs the NOA                                                       Officer/
                                                 number and name of student                                                       Guidance
                                                 and signs the logbook under                                                         Counselor or
                                                 the column “Released by”                                                          Psychometrician

               6. Applicant presents the         6. The University Health                None                 2 minutes               University
                   Notice of Admission               Services unit receives the                                                    Health Services
                   (NOA) to the University           NOA                                                                            unit/Campus
                   Health Services                                                                                                 Health Services
                   unit/Campus Health                                                                                                    unit
                   Services unit for medical

                                                             TOTAL:                   Php 150.00        2 hours, 33 minutes

               *paying students- refers to applicants who already obtained a Bachelor’s degree and wanted to pursue another  degree.
               *Qualified for a multi-stage processing
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