P. 15

2. Applicant submits the             2. Receives the required               None               5 minutes          Admission Officer
                   required documents                   documents

               3. Applicant receives                3. Schedules the date of               None               2 minutes          Admission Officer
                   examination permit                   examination

               4. Applicant takes the               4. Administers Admission               None              60 minutes              Guidance
                   admission examination as             Examination                                                                Counselor or
                   scheduled                                                                                                     Psychometrician

                5. For applicants seeking
                   admission to BSN, BSMT,
                   BSMid, Diploma in Midwifery,
                   BSHRM and BSTM, the
                   applicant is required to
                   undergo interview:

                   a. Gets interview form                                                                    2  Minutes
                                                       1. Releases interview               None                                      Admission
                                                           form                                                                   OfficerGuidance
                   b. Applicant undergoes                                                                    60 minutes
                       interview at concerned          2. The concerned                                                          College Registrar/
                       college/department                  college will do the             None                                  Department Chair/
                                                           Interview                                                               Program Head

                   c. Applicant returns to
                       OSAS and submits                3. Receives the                                         1 minute
                       accomplished interview              accomplished                    None                                  Admission Officer
                       form                                interview form

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