Page 181 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 181

messaging,          For those that  (optional)         and masculinity
                                                                       group chats, e-    has no                              by drawing a
                                                                       mail, etc.         internet video   Pen and Paper      thumbs up for
                                                                                          capabilities                        masculinity and
                                                                                          discussion       Books/article      smiley for
                                                                                          maybe                               femininity.
                                                                                          through the       Cellphone
                                                                                          FB group of
                                                                                          each class.      Computer/laptop

                                                                                          concerns may
                                                                                          be course
                                                                                          through text or
                  9                                             Midterm Examination (Written via-google form)

                10  –  After the             V. Gender                 • Assign reading  Distance          E-book/Textbook                       End of
                 11     completion of the    Mainstreaming               text             Mode                                                  week 11
                Week  chapter, students                                                                    Learning Module  Mini-Dictionary
                        will be able to:     1. Rationale of GM        • Self-paced       Self-paced                          of Gender fair
                         1.  discuss the                                 learning         Study from       On line            languages (can
                             overall         2.Gender Fair Language      through          Home through  PPT/Video/Audi        be sent through
                             approach of                                 learning         the use of       o presentation     email or printed
                             gender                                      modules          Learning                            copy)
                             mainstreamin                                provided         Module and       Essential Guide
                             g                                                            text book (for   to Gender
                                                                       •  Upload PPT      those who do     mainstreaming
                        2.   explain and                                  on the FB       not have         https://www.yout
                        assess   the                                      group.          internet
                        importance of                                                     connectivity)    v=WZvNcflKBDs
                        gender fair                                    • Video and        or E-book
                        language                                         audio                             Webinar -
                                                                         discussion                        Gender
                        3. practice or                                   available        On line          Mainstreaming:

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