Page 185 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 185

instant        classroom)       Inequality in
                                                                           messaging,                      politics and
                                                                           group chats,                    business: Paola
                                                                           e-mail, etc    For those that   Profeta at
                                                                                          has no           TEDxBocconiU
                                                                                          internet video   (2013)
                                                                                          capabilities     https://www.yout
                                                                                          maybe            v=jqG4FjF4lC0
                                                                                          through the
                                                                                          FB group of
                                                                                          each class.       Cellphone

                                                                                          Other            Computer/laptop
                                                                                          concerns may
                                                                                          be course
                                                                                          through text or
                14  –  After the             VII. Gender and           •  Assign reading  Distance         E-book/Textbook  VLOG/                End of
                 15     completion of the    Politics                     text            Mode                                BLOG/             week 15
                Week  chapter, students                                                                    Learning Module  POST of Role
                        will be able to:     1. Concept of Gender      •  Self-paced      Self-paced                          of Women in
                                             and Politics                 learning        Study from       On line            Politics or in
                       4.  discuss the                                    through         Home through  PPT/Video/Audi        Development
                           concepts of       2.  Women’s Issues in        learning        the use of       o presentation     Quotation/Sayin
                           gender and        Development                  modules         Learning                            g or Hugot
                           politics                                       provided        Module and       Internet           Lines (Students
                                             3. Women on Politics                         text book (for   Connection         will post either
                        5.  identify the                               •  Upload PPT      those who do     (optional)         in VLOG, BLOG
                            gender biases                                 on the FB       not have                            or FB post
                            in politics                                   group.          internet         Pen and Paper      Quotation,
                                                                                          connectivity)                       saying or Hugot
                        6.  display                                                       or E-book        Short clips/films   lines about
                            awareness on                               •  Video and                                           Women in
                            concept of                                    audio           On line          Gender Equality    Politics or

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