Page 196 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 196

                          Intended Learning                Topic              Teaching and       Mode of    Resources      Outcomes-based       Due Date of
               Week        Outcomes (ILO)                                        Learning        Delivery     Needed          Assessment        Submission
                 No.                                                         Activities (TLA)                                    (OBA)           of Output
                       After  the  completion  of  I.  Introduction          Synchronous          Online   Course          Exercise 1.         On or before
                       the unit, students will be   A.  University VMGO      and/or              Learning  Syllabus        1-page reflection   week 2
                       able to:                       and Quality Policy     asynchronous                                  paper on how the
                         1.  explain the vision,   B.  Gender and            discussion                    Student         students
                             mission and quality      Development                                          Handbook        understand the
                             policy of the                                   Interactive Online                            vision and mission
                             University;           C.  Disaster              class discussion                              of the University
                         2.  discuss the              Management Plan
                             importance of         D.  Waste Management  Informal/ Creative
                             gender and               Plan                   Learning
                             development           E.  The Course
                  1          awareness;                  a.  Description     Reflection
                         3.  identify the disaster       b.  Content
                             management plan;            c.  Guidelines
                         4.  explain blended                and policies
                             learning approach;    F. Overview about
                         5.  determine the            Blended Learning
                             course description,
                             content and
                         6.  reflect personal
                             goal as a student
                             to CvSU VMGO.
                       After the completion of   II.   The Context of        Lecture/             Online   Lecture         Exercise 2.           Before the
                       the unit, students will be     Database               Discussion          Learning  (Power Point       -Differentiate    end of week
                       able to:                       Management                                           Presentation)      Data and           2nd week
                         1.  identify the                                    Presentation                                     Information.
                             functions of a        A.  Basic Concepts and                                  Modules            -Roles in
                             database;                 Definitions           Demonstration/                                   database
                         2.  appreciate the           a.  Roles and          Simulation                    Learning           management.
                             roles of a DA/DBA;          Advantages of                                     Guide              (DBA vs DA)

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