Page 201 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 201

3.  create entity              using a database.
                           relationship using MS                                                           Computer/        2. Continue
                           Access.                                                                         Laptop/          database form
                                                                                                           mobile phone     and creating
                                                                                                                            among entities.
                 11    After the completion of   IX.  Database Analysis      Discussion           Online   Lecture          Laboratory         Before the
                       the unit, the students will                                               Learning  (Power Point     Activity 9         end of week
                       be able to:                 A.  Modeling data in the  Presentation                  Presentation)                       11th week
                                                      organization.                                                         1. Creating data
                       1.  create a basic data     B.  Modeling the rules    Demonstration/                Modules          models with
                           model; and                 of the organization.   Simulation                                     connection
                       2.  apply business rules.                                                           Learning         /relationships
                                                                                                                            2. Using
                                                                                                           Computer/        previously
                                                                                                           Laptop/          created DM to
                                                                                                           mobile phone     create a DB form
                                                                                                                            and apply simple
                 12    After the completion of   X.  SQL | DDL, DQL,         Discussion           Online   Lecture          Laboratory           Before the
                       the unit, the students will   DML, DCL and TCL                            Learning  (Power Point     Activity 10         end of week
                       be able to:                   Concepts (I)            Presentation                  Presentation)                         12th week
                                                   A.   DDL(Data                                                            1. DDL
                       1.  explain the concepts         Definition           Demonstration/                Modules          exercises(Create
                           and applications of          Language)            Simulation                                     , Drop, Alter,
                           DDL, DQL, DML,          B.   DQL (Data Query                                    Learning         Truncate,
                           DCL, and TCL; and            Language)                                          Guide            Comment,
                       2.  apply the usage of      C.   DML(Data                                                            Rename)
                           SQL (DDL, DQL,               Manipulation                                       Computer/        2. DQL
                           DML, DCL, and TCL)           Language)                                          Laptop/          exercises(Select)
                           using DB software.                                                              mobile phone     3. DML (Insert,
                                                                                                                            Update, Delete)
                 13    After the completion of    X. SQL | DDL, DQL,         Discussion           Online   Lecture          Laboratory           Before the
                       the unit, the students will  DML, DCL and TCL                             Learning  (Power Point     Activity 11         end of week

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