Page 203 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 203
e. LEFT JOIN mobile phone and
f. RIGHT JOIN generate
g. FULL & SELF outputs.
2. Advance
Apply the
(JOINS) and
16 After the completion of XII. Advanced MySQL Discussion Online Lecture Laboratory Before the
the unit, the students will (II) Learning (Power Point Activity 14 end of week
be able to: Presentation Presentation) 16th week
3. explain the h. UNION 3. Advance
concepts and i. GROUP BY Demonstration/ Modules scripts
applications of j. HAVING Simulation exercises.
advanced scripts; k. CASE Learning Apply the
and Guide following
4. create queries (UNION,GR
using MySQL Computer/ OUP
Advance scripts. Laptop/ BY,HAVING,
mobile phone CASE) and
17 After the completion of XIII. Introduction to Discussion Online Lecture Laboratory Before the
the chapter, students Business Learning (Power Point Activity 15 end of week
will be able to: intelligence Presentation Presentation) 17
1. identify the 1. Presentation:
significance of business A. Overview of BI. Demonstration/ Modules Choose a BI tool
intelligence and data B. Importance of Simulation and demonstrate
analytics; and implementing BI Learning the interface and
2. explain data mining. C. Overview of Data Guide create a simple
. Mining and dashboard.