Page 285 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 285
where coding idioms and mechanism for implementing designs
to achieve desired properties such as reliability, efficiency, and
robustness are practiced with respect to legal and ethical
3. Undertake as part of a team activity, an inspection of the
source code and unit testing of the functional units of a D D D D E D E E D E D D
sufficiently complex software project
*Level: I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative
Teaching and Resour Outcomes- Due Date of
Week Intended Learning Topic Learning Mode of ces based Submission
No. Outcomes (ILO) Activities Delivery Assessment
(TLA) Needed (OBA) of Output
After the completion of I. Orientation Orientation Home through Course Class Friday,
the chapter, students will A. University VMGO and the Learning Syllabu Exercise 1: Week 1
be able to: Quality Policy Class Management s Reflection
1. identify the course B. Gender and Expectations System Paper
description, content, Development Curricul
requirements, C. Disaster Management Video um of
grading system as Plan streaming of BSIT
well as class policy; D. Waste Management Plan CvSU at the Student
and E. The Course Glance located Handbo
2. understand the a. Description at ok
university vision and b. Content https://www.yo
mission, quality c. Guidelines & policies Comput
policy, rules of ch?v=_4bQ1Z er with
university in student 9gUuA Internet
handbook, solid Connec
waste management, tion
gender sensitivity and
emergency plans