Page 287 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 287

3.  classify the software       d. Use Cases                                                 Sample  of
                           requirements                e. Elements of             Informal/                         Examinati Requirement
                           engineering and                Requirement Models      Creative                          ons/       s and
                           understand the need     C.  UML Models: Design and  Learning                             Assess     System
                           of each requirement         Examples                                                     ment       Models
                                                       a. Model                   Flipped                           Tools
                                                       b. The Unified Modeling    Classroom                                    Online Quiz  Friday,
                                                          Language (UML)                                            Online     No. 4:         Week 5
                                                       c. Definition of a UML                                       Educati    Software
                                                          Model                                                     onal       Requirement
                                                       d. Design of UML Models                                      Resour     s
                                                   D.  Data Modeling in                                             ces        Engineering
                                                       Software Engineering
                                                       a. Data Model vs.                                            Comput
                                                          Requirements                                              er /
                                                          Modeling                                                  Laptop /
                                                       b. Data Objects,                                             Mobile
                                                          Attributes, and                                           Phone
                                                       c. Conceptual, Logical,
                                                          and Physical Modeling
                                                   E.  Class-Based Data
                                                       Modeling: Definition &

                        After the completion of    IV. Design Principles and      Case Analysis    Distance Mode   Referen     Online Quiz  Friday,
                        the chapter, students will    Patterns                                                      ce book  No. 5:           Week 6
                        be able to:                A.  Software Design and        Step-by-step                                 Design
                        1.  apply different types      Reuse                      guide video                       present    Principles
                            of software design;    B.  Design Process Software  tutorial                            ation      and Patterns
                        2. execute the software        Engineering                Small Group                       graphic    Activities
                          reuse in given                                          Discussion                        s
                          software application;        a.   From Art to                                                        Class
                          and                             Engineering             Interactive                                  Exercise       Friday,
                                                                                  Learning                                     No. 2: Types  Week 7

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