Page 37 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 37
                  13    After the            B. Legal, ethical,     Pre-recorded          Distance     Computer/                           Before end of
                        completion of the    health and             lecture                Mode        Mobile/tablet         OBA 9:           week 14
                        chapter, students    environmental          discussion                         with internet      2-page Legal,
                        will be able to:     issues in computing  available                            connection         ethical, health
                        1. Discuss the                              digitally and                                              and
                        legal, ethical health  Laboratory Activity   accessible in                     e-Module           environmental
                        and environmental    No. 11: Search a       Google                                                  issues in
                        issues in            sample research        Classroom                          e-Laboratory         computing
                        computing            paper about Ethical,                                      Manual
                        2. Understand the    Environmental,         Laboratory                                             Laboratory
                        essence of the       Cultutal and Legal     Exercise                                                Output 9:
                        legal issues         Issues of Computing.  Demonstration                                              Group
                        pertaining to the                           on Ethical,                                          Presentation of
                        computing                                   Environmental,                                       the case study
                        3. Aware of the                             Cultural and                                          about Ethical,
                        legal issues that                           Legal Issues of                                      Environmental,
                        arise from using                            Computing:                                             Cultutal and
                        computer and                                https://www.yout                                     Legal Issues of
                        internet.                                                                  Computing.
                        After the            X. HTML and CSS        Prerecorded           Distance     Computer/           Laboratory      Before end of
                        completion of the                           lecture                Mode        Mobile/tablet       Output 10:         week 15
                        chapter, students    A. Basic HTML Tags     discussion                         with internet     Website Design
                  14    will be able to:     B. HTML Attributes     available                          connection
                        1.Identify the parts                        digitally and
                        of HTML and CSS:  Laboratory Activity       accessible in                      e-Module
                        2. Create their own  No. 12: Basic HTML     Google
                        website using                               Classroom                          e-Laboratory
                        HTML and CSS                                                                   Manual

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