Page 379 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 379

3. use Gestalt laws      1. Law of Similarity      Supplemental
                        in web and product       2. Law of Proximity       Article reading
                        design                   3. Law of       
                        4. take a Gestalt-       Familiarity/Meaningfuln   eraction-
                        driven approach to       ess             
                        improve a web            4. Law of Symmetry        ature/topics/pa
                        user’s experience        5. Law of Continuity      per-prototyping
                        5. analyze existing      6. Law of Common Fate
                        product and web          7. Law of Closure
                        designs according     H. New Grouping Laws
                        to the Gestalt           1. Law of Element
                        principles of            Connected
                        perceptual               2. Law of Common
                        organization             Region

                                             Laboratory Activity No. 13:
                                             Evaluation Instruments
                        After the            XIII. Usability Testing       Pre-recorded      Distance  Laptop/ Tablet/  Laboratory           Week 16
                        completion of the     A. Cognitive Walkthrough     Video Lecture      Mode      Mobile           Output 13:
                        chapter, students     B. Heuristic Evaluation      Discussion                                    Usability Test
                        will be able to:      C. Review-based                                           Internet         Results
                        1. make an            evaluation                   Supplemental                 Access
                        experiemntal          D. Experimental              Article reading
                        evaluation            Evaluation                       Google
                  14    instruments;          E. Data Gathering            eraction-                    Classroom as
                        2. conduct            F. Observational Methods             e-Module and
                        usability testing;    G. Query Techniques          ature/topics/ge              e-Lab Manual
                        3. intepret data      H. Physiological Methods     stalt-principles
                        result and                                                                      PDF files of
                        construe the         Laboratory Activity No. 14:                                Article Reading
                        findings.            Usability Testing

                        After the            XIV. Affordances              Pre-recorded      Distance  Laptop/ Tablet/  OBA 12:
                  15    completion of the     A. Affordances and HCI       Video Lecture      Mode      Mobile           Norman’s
                                                                           Discussion                                    Concept of

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