Page 380 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 380

chapter, students     1. James J. Gibson’s                                      Internet         Affordance
                        will be able to:      Concept of Affordance        Supplemental                 Access           Application
                        1. recognize and      2. Norman’s Concept of       Article reading
                        relate affordance     Affordances                      Google           Laboratory
                        and human-            B. Types of Affordances      eraction-                    Classroom as     Output 14:
                        computer              1. Real Affordances             e-Module and     Progress
                        interaction;          2. Perceived Affordances     ature/article/no             e-Lab Manual     Report
                        2. include                                         rman-s-three-
                        affordances in       Laboratory Activity No. 13:  levels-of-                    PDF files of
                        project design       Project Development           design                       Article Reading

                        After the            C. Bill Gaver’s Concept of    Pre-recorded      Distance  Laptop/ Tablet/  Laboratory           Week 17
                        completion of the    Affordance                    Video Lecture      Mode      Mobile           Output 15:
                        chapter, students    D. Rex Harton’s Concept       Discussion                                    Progress
                        will be able to:     of Affordance                                              Internet         Report
                        1. acquaint with      A. Physical Affordances                                   Access
                        concepts of           B. Sensory Affordances
                        affordance;           C. Functional Affordances                                 Google
                        2. apply concepts                                                               Classroom as
                        of affordance.       Laboratory Activity No. 14:                                e-Module and
                                             Project Development                                        e-Lab Manual

                                                                                                        PDF files of
                                                                                                        Article Reading

                        After the            XV. Affordances and           Pre-recorded      Distance  Laptop/ Tablet/  Project              Week 17
                        completion of the    Usability Principles          Video Lecture      Mode      Mobile           Presentation
                        chapter, students     A. Findability               Discussion
                        will be able to:      B. Constraints                                            Internet
                  17    1. use concepts       C. Mapping                   Virtual Project              Access
                        such as visibility,   D. Feedback                  Presentation
                        findability,                                       via Google                   Google
                        constraints,         Project Presentation          Meet                         Classroom as

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