Page 397 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 397

2.  Maintain             3. Troubleshooting   https://www.e-                      Guide      Laboratory        Friday, Week
                               computer              4. Data Protection                    Questions   Exercise No.       13
                               systems           B.  Maintaining          ourse/                                  9:
                               and                   Computer Systems  p?id=73                              Computer /  Pair activity:
                               networks.                                                                     Laptop /    Setup a small
                                                     and Networks                                             Mobile     wired network
                                                     1. Routing           Laboratory                          Phone      with four
                                                     Maintenance          Exercise                                       clients.
                                                     2. Maintaining                                         Laboratory
                                                     Hardware                                                Manual
                14-15  After the              XI. Troubleshooting         Pre-recorded     Distance         Reference    Online Quiz No.  Friday, Week
                        completion of the     Computer Systems and        lecture          Mode                Book      8:                14
                        chapter, students     Networks                    discussion                                     Planning and
                        will be able to:         A.  Diagnosing Faults                                       Learning    Preparing to
                            1.  Diagnose             1. Identifying and   Step-by-step                        Guide      Maintain
                               faults;               Isolating Faults     guide video                                    Computer
                            2.  Correct              2. Troubleshooting                                      Module      Systems and
                               defects; and                               tutorial                                       Networks
                            3.  Inspect              Network              Article                          PowerPoint
                               computer              Connection                                            Presentatio
                               systems               Problems             Reading and                      n (Lecture /  Class Exercise  Friday, Week
                               and               B.  Correcting Defects   video                             Handouts)    No. 2: Solving    15
                               networks              1. Solving common    streaming at                                   Troubleshooting

                                                     Hardware Issues      https://www.e-                      Guide      Scenarios
                                                     2. Viruses                     Questions     Laboratory         Friday, Week

                                                 C.  Inspect Computer     ourse/                     Computer /  Exercise No. 10: 15
                                                     system and           p?id=73                            Laptop /    Troubleshooting
                                                     Networks             Class Exercise                      Mobile     and Maintenance
                                                     1. Testing the Hard                                      Phone
                                                     Drive                Laboratory
                                                     2. Testing the       Exercise                          Laboratory
                                                     Power Supply Unit                                       Manual

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