Page 397 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 397
2. Maintain 3. Troubleshooting https://www.e- Guide Laboratory Friday, Week
computer 4. Data Protection Questions Exercise No. 13
systems B. Maintaining ourse/ 9:
and Computer Systems p?id=73 Computer / Pair activity:
networks. Laptop / Setup a small
and Networks Mobile wired network
1. Routing Laboratory Phone with four
Maintenance Exercise clients.
2. Maintaining Laboratory
Hardware Manual
14-15 After the XI. Troubleshooting Pre-recorded Distance Reference Online Quiz No. Friday, Week
completion of the Computer Systems and lecture Mode Book 8: 14
chapter, students Networks discussion Planning and
will be able to: A. Diagnosing Faults Learning Preparing to
1. Diagnose 1. Identifying and Step-by-step Guide Maintain
faults; Isolating Faults guide video Computer
2. Correct 2. Troubleshooting Module Systems and
defects; and tutorial Networks
3. Inspect Network Article PowerPoint
computer Connection Presentatio
systems Problems Reading and n (Lecture / Class Exercise Friday, Week
and B. Correcting Defects video Handouts) No. 2: Solving 15
networks 1. Solving common streaming at Troubleshooting
Hardware Issues https://www.e- Guide Scenarios
2. Viruses Questions Laboratory Friday, Week
C. Inspect Computer ourse/ Computer / Exercise No. 10: 15
system and p?id=73 Laptop / Troubleshooting
Networks Class Exercise Mobile and Maintenance
1. Testing the Hard Phone
Drive Laboratory
2. Testing the Exercise Laboratory
Power Supply Unit Manual