Page 395 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 395

1.  Create a         B.  Creating User        Step-by-step                       Learning    Router and
                               user folder;          Folder               guide video                         Guide      Wireless
                            2.  Configure        C.  Configure User       tutorial                                       Configurations
                               user                  Access                                                  Module
                               access; and                                Article
                            3.  Perform                                   Reading and                      PowerPoint
                               security                                                                    Presentatio   Laboratory
                               check on                                   video                            n (Lecture /  Exercise No.
                               network                                    streaming at                      Handouts)    7: Set-up User
                               access.                                    https://www.e-                                 Access
                                                                          ourse/                     Questions
                                                                                                            Computer /
                                                                          Laboratory                         Laptop /
                                                                          Exercise                            Mobile

                   9                                                            MIDTERM EXAM
                  10-   After the             IX. Configure Network       Pre-recorded     Distance         Reference    Reading           Friday, Week
                  11    completion of the     Services                    lecture          Mode                Book      Assignment        10
                        chapter, students        A.  Checking Normal      discussion                                     No. 1:
                        will be able to:             Functions                                               Learning    Importance of
                            1.  Check the            1. Boot Process      Step-by-step                        Guide      Network for
                               normal            B.  Installing Modules   guide video                                    consumer and
                               functions of          and Add-ons                                             Module      small offices/
                               server;               1. Using Modules     tutorial                                       enterprise.
                            2.  Install and          2. Installing        Article                          PowerPoint
                               update                Modules/ Add-ons                                      Presentatio   Online Quiz       Friday, Week
                               required          C.  Performing           Reading and                      n (Lecture /  No. 7: Set-up     11
                               modules               Network Services     video                             Handouts)    User Access
                               and add-              1. Remote Access     streaming at
                               ons based                                  https://www.e-

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