Page 390 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 390

1.  identify the         1. Why is CSS        Step-by-step                                   Assessment
                               relevance of          relevant?            guide video                        Module
                               CSS in                2. What jobs can I   tutorial
                               today's               land on?                                              PowerPoint
                               society;              3. What are my job   Article                          Presentatio
                            2.  differentiate        functions in the     Reading and                      n (Lecture /
                               the possible          future?                                                Handouts)
                               careers               4. What does the     video
                               after                 Qualification        streaming at                        Guide
                               achieving             require?             https://www.e-                    Questions
                               the CSS               5. What knowledge
                               Qualification         and skills do I      ourse/                     Computer /
                               ;                     need?                p?id=92#secti                      Laptop /
                            3.  enumerate        B.  OHS Policies and     on-3                                Mobile
                               the different         Procedures                                               Phone
                               Occupation            1. Occupational      Laboratory
                               al Health             Health and Safety                                      Laboratory
                               and Safety            2. Hazard            Exercise                           Manual
                               Procedures            Identification
                               and                   3. Risk
                               Policies;             Assessment
                            4.  describe the         4. Risk Control
                               different         C.  Applying Quality
                               hazards that          Standards.
                               you may               1. Assessing
                               encounter in          Quality
                               the industry;         2. Documentation
                               and                   3. Inventory Form
                            5.  enumerate
                               the different
                               forms in
                               the quality
                               of materials.

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