Page 4 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 4
1 After the completion I. Introduction Class Distance Power Point Quiz #1 Before the
of the unit, students A. University VMGO orientation Learning Presentation 1-page reflection end of 2
will be able to: and Quality Policy (online) paper on how the week
1. identify the B. Gender and students
objectives of the Development understand the
course; vision and mission
2. explain the vision, C. Disaster of the University
mission and quality Management Plan
policy of the D. Waste
University; Management Plan
3. identify the E. The Course
disaster a.
management plan; Description
and b. Content
4. explain blended c. Guidelines
learning approach. and policies
F. Overview about
Blended Learning
2 After the completion II. Propositional Logic Interactive Distance Power Point Quiz #2 Before the
of the chapter, and Operations learning Learning Presentation Quiz about: end of 3
students will 1. Arguments. (online) Arguments week
be able to: 2. Parts of Multi-media Lectures • Identify the
1. Identify the arguments. courseware/ premise,
different 3. Conclusion and teachware Modules conclusion
arguments; Premise and indicator
2. find the Indicator. Guide
premise in 4. Bit String Questions Quiz #3
arguments; 5. Operations Create 10
3. find the 6. Bitewise sample of
conclusion in 7. Logic and Bit arguments and
arguments; Operations label the
4. write an premise,
English conclusion and
sentence into indicator
proposition p