Page 65 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 65

and access                                                                                    Write a
                                                                                                                            program that
                                                                                                                            numbers from 1
                                                                                                                            to 100…

                                                                                                                            Class            Friday,
                                                                                                                            Exercise No.     Week 10
                                                                                                                            Analyze the
                                                                                                                            program use
                          After the completion   VII. Java Inheritance         Lecture/         Distance      Reference     Class            Friday,
                          of the chapter,             A.  Why use              Discussion       Mode             Book       Exercise No.     Week 11
                          students should be             Inheritance in                                                     4:
                          able to:                       Java?                                                 Learning     Error finding
                          1.  explain the             B.  Terms used in        Interactive                      Guide       Solve the given
                              importance of              Inheritance           Discussion                                   program and
                              Inheritance in          C.  Syntax of Java                                        Module      find the errors.
                              OOP system;                Inheritance
                          2.  describe the            D.  Types of             Computer                       PowerPoint  Online Quiz        Friday,
                              terms                      Inheritance           Assisted                       Presentatio   No. 3:           Week 11
                   11         associated in           E.  Aggregation in       Instruction/                   n (Lecture /  Syntax of Java
                              Java Inheritance           Java                  Learning                       Handouts)     Inheritance and
                              and                     F.  When to use Java                                                  Types of
                              Aggregation;               Aggregation                                            Guide       Inheritance.
                          3.  demonstrate the                                                                 Questions
                              use of different                                                                              .
                              types of                                                                        Computer /
                              inheritance in                                                                   Laptop /
                              creating a                                                                        Mobile
                              program; and                                                                      Phone

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