Page 66 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 66
4. identify when to Laboratory
use Aggregation Manual
in a program.
After the completion VIII. Java Polymorphism Lecture/ Distance Reference Reading Friday,
of the chapter, A. Method Discussion Mode Book Assignment Week 12
students should be Overloading No. 4:
able to: B. Method Overriding Super Keyword
1. identify the C. Super Keyword Interactive PowerPoint Final Keyword
different ways to D. Final Keyword Discussion Presen- Runtime
overload a E. Runtime tation Polymorphism
method; F. Polymorphism Dynamic
2. understand the G. Dynamic Binding Binding.
importance and
differences Readings
between method Laboratory Friday,
overloading and Exercise No. Week 12
overriding; 5:
3. understand the DNA
usage of super Sequencing
keyword and Write a
final keyword in
a program; and program that
4. identify when to determines
use runtime whether there
polymorphism is a protein in a
and dynamic strand of DNA.
binding when
creating a
program. Class Friday,
Exercise No. Week 13
identify when to
use runtime
and dynamic