Page 10 - AREA 4 - PPP
P. 10
d. The Office of Student Affairs and Services is composed of well-competent
Dean and qualified staff.
e. Student Services Program of the University is readily available both in
print and online access.
f. The Office of Student Affairs and Services is collaborating to other units
of the University in providing food, health, shelter, security services as
well as establishing programs on sports, culture, arts and social
community involvement.
g. Orientation programs are done both university-wide and per program and
are conducted regularly every start of the academic year.
h. Reading materials on Anti-sexual harassment, anti-violence against
women, anti-bullying act, etc. are readily accessible both print and non-
print fliers. Furthermore, the University established a Gender and
Development (GAD) office that is responsible on conducting activities that
would increase awareness on anti-violence against women and children
and anti-sexual harassment act of 1995.
i. The University have an allotted budget for the Student Affairs and
j. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the different student services and
facilities are conducted.
Area IV: Support to Students