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                          8.  Schedule of Payment

                                     All fees may be paid in cash or installment. The schedule of payment for

                              installment is as follows:

                                 8.1     50% upon registration

                                 8.2     25% two weeks before the midterm examination

                                 8.3     25% two weeks before the final examination

                          9.  Refund of Fees

                                     Students who withdraw their registration from the University after a period

                              of not more than three weeks or fifteen days of regular classes shall be refunded

                              in full except the medical and dental fees. No refund shall be given to those who

                              withdraw after this period.

                              Retention Policies

                                     A.  Rules on Scholastic Delinquency

                                            The  CvSU  shall  promulgate  suitable  and  effective  guideline  on

                                     academic  deficiencies.  Any  student  whose  scholastic  performance  in

                                     subjects  enrolled  for  the  semester  is  “Incomplete  (Inc)”  or  below  the

                                     passing mark of “3.00” and/or who dropped the subjects for unjustifiable

                                     reasons shall be subjected to the rules on academic deficiencies below:

                                     1.  Types of Academic Deficiency

                                         1.1 Warning. Any student who, at the end of the semester is found to

                                            have  dropped  the  course  or  obtain  incomplete,  conditional  or

                                            failing grades or a combination thereof in 30%-50% of the enrolled

                                            subjects enrolled shall fall under this category. The student shall

                                            be  warned  by  the  Office  of  the  College/University  Registrar  to

                                            improve his/her academic performance.

                     Area IV: Support to Students
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