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                                     the development plan. Likewise, summative evaluation will be conducted

                                     to determine program effectiveness and efficiency.

                                   5.  Research

                                            Research  is  focused  on  student  abilities;  performance,  behavior

                                     and  development  to  determine  how  school  and  guidance  center  in

                                     particular could be of service to the students.


                              1.  ORIENTATION SERVICES

                                         The initial challenge that confronts the Guidance Services Unit is how

                                     to  inform  students  their  right,  privileges  and  responsibilities  as  soon  as

                                     they become a bona fide student of the Cavite State University. Hence,

                                     orientation  service  is  necessary  for  the  students  to  cope  with  the  new

                                     surroundings  and  how  to  adhere  with  the  set  of  academic  rules  and

                                     regulation as well as the university’s norm of conduct.

                              2. APPRAISAL SERVICES

                                     A.  Individual Inventory Service

                                            All incoming freshmen/transferees are required to fill out individual

                                     inventory Record form a week after the commencement of classes, the

                                     form will become part of the official document of each student.

                                     B.  Testing Services

                                            This process of collecting information about a student includes the

                                     proper  use  of  standard  test  and  inventories.  These  are  tests  of  mental

                                     ability, aptitude and achievement, which could help predict how well an

                                     individual may be expected to profit from future training. While inventories

                                     include  occupational  interests,  study  habits  and  skills,  values,  attitudes

                                     which provide qualitative data needed about the individual.

                     Area IV: Support to Students
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