Page 13 - AREA 4 - PPP
P. 13


                                     d.  Think through their problems

                                     e.  Appreciate themselves and others.

                                   Program Highlights

                                         The thrust of the program is preventive and developmental rather that

                                     redemptive  and  disciplinary.  It  focuses  on  the  strength  of  individuals,

                                     which can be utilized by them in decision making and problem solving.

                                   Program Components

                                   1.  Basic Guidance Services

                                       1.1 Orientation Services

                                                This  is  designed  to  orient  the  incoming  students  in  the  new

                                          level of learning; to assist them in coping with the new surroundings

                                          and to aid them to adjust in college life.

                                       1.2 Appraisal Services

                                                This service is designed to collect, analyze and use a variety

                                          of objective and subjective tests and non-test data about students to

                                          understand them and assist them to understand themselves.

                                       1.3 Information Services

                                                This service intends to provide students with information in the

                                          three  major  areas  of  concern:  educational,  occupational  and


                                       1.4 Counseling Services

                                                It  is  expected  that  through  this  service,  student’s

                                          selfunderstanding  and  self-development through  dyadic  and group

                                          relationship will be facilitated.

                                       1.5 Planning, Placement and Follow-Up

                     Area IV: Support to Students
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