Page 26 - AREA 4 - PPP
P. 26
The Career and Job Placement Services provides the following:
a. Career Education or Pre-Employment Seminars – It helps the
graduating students to be prepared and knowledgeable for their
entry in the world of employment. Topics discussed relate to areas
as Personality Development and Tips for Interview, Resume
Preparation, Job Hunting Strategies and Survival Strategies and
Local and International Employment Status.
b. Annual Job Fair – Companies representing various industries and
schools are invited as part of the school’s on-campus recruitment
program. Information materials on career and job opportunities are
also accessible to the graduates. It also serves as an avenue in
identifying the competencies of graduates required by the industries.
The identified required competencies of graduated also provide a
basis for possible curricular development.
c. Tracer Studies – Conducted to follow-up the employment status of
graduates thru survey, text messaging and e-mail. The results of the
tracers’ study may be utilized by the University to determine the
effectiveness of its curricular offering in meeting the global labor
market demands.
d. Creation of Directory of Graduates – Regular updating of the
directory of graduates is an important activity necessary in following-
up the status of the graduates. Again, this is done in coordination to
the designated College Job Placement Coordinators
Describe the Economic Enterprise development; and
Area IV: Support to Students