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                                   b.        Student  Development  Services  shall  provide  services  and

                                             programs  designed  from  exploration,  enhancement  and

                                             development for students’ full potential for personal development,

                                             leadership  and  social  responsibility  through  various  institutional

                                             student activities. The services include Student Organization and

                                             Activities,  Leadership  Training,  Student  Council/Government,

                                             Student Discipline and Student Publication.

                                   c.        Institutional  Student  Program  and  Services  shall  provide

                                             programs  to  serve  the  need  of  the  students,  develop  their

                                             individuality  and  spiritual  identity  and  also,  respond  to  basic

                                             health,  food,  shelterand  safety  concerns  of  all  students.  This

                                             include Admission Service Scholarship and financial Assistance

                                             (SFA), Food Service, Health and Wellness, Safety and Security

                                             Services  and  student  Housing  and  Residential  Services.  In  the

                                             revised  Student  Affairs  and  Services,  Multi-faith  and  Inter-faith

                                             Services,  Foreign  and  International  Student  Services,  Services

                                             for Student with Special Needs, Culture and Arts Programs are

                                             now specified.

                                   d.        Research,  Monitoring  and  Evaluation  of  Student  Services

                                             Unit  shall  conduct  researches  related  to  student  welfare  and

                                             development,  and  shall  be  in-charge  of  evaluating  results  in

                                             institutional development.

                              A.2. State the Objectives of the Student Services Program

                                     The Office of Student Affairs and Services shall able to:

                     Area IV: Support to Students
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