Page 75 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 75
After the completion of VI. Designing the Software
the chapter, students 6.1 Design Concepts Projector/ TV Quiz/ Activity
should 6.2 Design Considerations Brainstorming
be able to: 6.3 User Interface Design Laptop
1.Get familiar in design Group Activity Project reporting
concept and 6.4 Processes of User Interface Whiteboard and update for System
2 3 considerations 6.5 Principles in Designing a Class reporting pen design
2.Learn the proper way Software
for designing a software Audio/ Video Presentation
and its user Interface
After the completion of VII. Writing the Programs
the chapter, students 7.1 Structure Coding Techniques Quiz/ Activity
should 7.2 Programming Standards and Procedures Brainstorming Projector/ TV
be able to: 7.3 Programming Guidelines
1.Learn the structured Question and answer Laptop
coding techniques 7.4. Documentation Project reporting
2. Learn the programming Whiteboard and update for
standards and procedures Individual Activity pen Documentation
2 3 3. Get familiar with the
programming guidelines Question and Answer
and proper
Class reporting
Audio/ Video Presentation
After the completion of
the chapter, students VIII. Testing the Program Audio/ Video Presentation Quiz/ Activity
should 8.1 Software Faults and Failures Projector/ TV
be able to: 8.2 Stages of Testing Group work
2 3 1. Learn to test the 8.3 Kinds of Testing Laptop
program efficiently and its Class reporting Project reporting
different methods Whiteboard and update for Testing
2. Evaluate program pen procedures