Page 75 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 75

After the completion of   VI. Designing the Software
                               the chapter, students    6.1 Design Concepts                                                 Projector/ TV     Quiz/ Activity
                               should                   6.2 Design Considerations                     Brainstorming
                                be able to:             6.3 User Interface Design                                             Laptop
                               1.Get familiar in design                                               Group Activity                         Project reporting
                               concept and              6.4 Processes of User Interface                                   Whiteboard and    update for System
                   2      3    considerations           6.5 Principles in Designing a                Class reporting            pen              design
                               2.Learn the proper way   Software
                               for designing a software                                         Audio/ Video Presentation
                               and its user Interface

                               After the completion of   VII. Writing the Programs
                               the chapter, students    7.1 Structure Coding Techniques                                                       Quiz/ Activity
                               should                   7.2 Programming Standards and Procedures      Brainstorming         Projector/ TV
                                be able to:             7.3 Programming Guidelines
                               1.Learn the structured                                             Question and answer         Laptop
                               coding techniques        7.4. Documentation                                                                   Project reporting
                               2. Learn the programming                                                                   Whiteboard and       update for
                               standards and procedures                                             Individual Activity         pen          Documentation
                   2      3    3. Get familiar with the
                               programming guidelines                                             Question and Answer
                               and proper
                                                                                                     Class reporting

                                                                                                Audio/ Video Presentation

                               After the completion of
                               the chapter, students    VIII. Testing the Program               Audio/ Video Presentation                     Quiz/ Activity
                               should                   8.1 Software Faults and Failures                                    Projector/ TV
                                be able to:             8.2 Stages of Testing                          Group work
                   2      3    1. Learn to test the     8.3 Kinds of Testing                                                  Laptop
                               program efficiently and its                                           Class reporting                         Project reporting
                               different methods                                                                          Whiteboard and    update for  Testing
                               2. Evaluate program                                                                              pen            procedures

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