Page 82 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 82
1. disseminate the vision, and mission of the University, goals, and I I D E D I E I I
objectives of the College, and Department.
2. explain gender equality. I I D E D I E I I
3. create static and dynamic HTML structures with list, and tables; D E E E I E D D D
4. create webpages with tables, frames, forms, links, and image map; D E E E I E D D D
5. add style sheets to webpages D E E E I E D D D
6. implement PHP MySQL to webpages D E E E I E D D D
7. publish web page D E E E E E D D D
*Level : I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative
No. of Hours Outcomes-based
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning
Lec Lab Outcomes (ILO) Topic Activities (TLA) Resources Needed Assessment
After the completion of the I. Introduction Class orientation
chapter, students should 1. Mission, Goals and CvSU Orientation Recitation
be able to: Objectives Materials
1. discuss the VMGO, PEOs 2. The importance of the subject
and POs; and guidelines and policies GAD Materials
2. Understand the principles 3. Principles of Gender
of GAD Awareness and Development
After the completion of the II. II. Web Development
chapter, students should 2.1 Internet
be able to: 2.1.1 What can we do on the Lecture
1. define HTML define CMS Internet? TV/ Projector Recitation and
list functions of CMS 2.1.2 Web Development Quiz
2. explain website History of Web Discussion White board and pen
development life cycle Development Hypertext Markup Laptop
Language (HTML) AV Presentation HTML Editor PowerPoint Forms of presentation
HTML Editors Reflection Static and Reference Video
Dynamic HTML Internet Browser Question and Answer Content