Page 83 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 83

Management System (CMS)
                                                  Functions of
                                                           2.2 Website Development Life
                                                           2.1.1 Website Planning
                                                           2.1.2 Website Analysis
                                                           2.1.3 Website Design and
                                                  Types of Structures
                                                           2.1.4 Website Testing
                                                           2.1.5 Website Implementation
                                                           2.3 Web Accessibility

                               After the completion of the   III. Hypertext Markup Language
                               chapter, students should    (HTML)                               Discussion
                                be able to:                3.1 Definition of HTML
                               1. understand the anatomy   3.2 Essential Features of HTML
                               of HTML tags                3.3 Things to Remember in        Individual laboratory   Laboratory Manual    Laboratory
                               2. use basic HTML           Creating an HTML File                  activity                               Exercise
                               elements                    3.4 HTML Elements
                               3. create a simple HTML     3.4.1 Basic HTML Tags               Demonstration
                          3    file/page                   3.4.2 Tag Attributes
                                                           3.4.3 HTML Links                     Observation
                                                           3.4.4 HTML Formatting
                                                           3.4.5 HTML Marquees
                                                           3.5 Basic Notes – Useful Tips

                                                           Exercise #1: HTML - Basic Tags

                               After the completion of the   IV. IV. World Wide Web (WWW)
                               chapter, students should    4.1 Structure of the Web                                    TV/ Projector
                                be able to:                4.2 Inventor of WWW                    Lecture
                               1. describe the structure of   4.2.1 Conseil Européen pour la                       White board and pen      Quiz/ Activity
                                      Web                  Recherche Nucleaire (CERN)           Discussion
                               2.understand the history of   4.2.2 First Hypertext                                        Laptop
                                      WWW                  4.2.3 Reasons of Inventing          Brainstorming
                                                           4.3 Duo of WWW

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