Page 90 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 90

Exercise #8:
                                                           JavaScript 1.1

                                                           Exercise #9:
                                                           JavaScript 1.2

                  2       3                                          MIDTERM EXAMINATION AND PRACTICAL EXAM
                                After the completion of the   XVI. Cloud Computing
                                 chapter, students should   16.1 What is Cloud Computing?         Lecture
                               be able to:                 16.1.1 Life Before Cloud
                  2            1. define cloud computing   Computing                            Discussion              References       Group
                               2. explain the analogy      16.1.2 Cloud Computing: A                                    multimedia
                               of cloud computing          Better Way                          Brainstorming
                               3. enumerate technology     16.1.4 Analogy                                                                Activity/Seatwork
                               and application development  16.2 Cloud Computing               Demonstration
                               technology and application   Segments
                               development                 16.3 What Does a Shift Towards                                                Assignment
                                                           Cloud Computing Mean?             Group Laboratory
                                                           16.3.1 Who Gain?                      Exercise
                                                           16.3.2 Who Losses Out?
                                                           16.4   Mobility and              Question and Answer
                                                           16.4.1 Saves Administrative           Relflection
                                                           16.5   Technology and
                                                           Application                          Audio/ Video
                                                           Development                          Presentation

                               After the completion of the   XVIII. Common Gateway
                               chapter, students should    Interface (CGI)                 Individual laboratory
                          3    be able to:                 18.1 Advantages and                   exercise                                    Laboratory
                               1. define CGI               Disadvantages                                                Laboratory            Exercise
                               2. enumerate advantages     18.2 <form> contents of the form
                               and disadvantages of CGI    </form>
                               3. create a simple dynamic   18.3 wrap Attribute
                               HTML                        18.4 <select> set of <option>
                                                           elements </select>

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