Page 99 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 99
1. Explain the university mission and vision and objectives of the
department I I E E E E D D D
2. Explain the basic principles of programming languages E E E E E E D D D
3. Explain the difference of every generation of programming languages E E E E E E D D D
4. Create a simple program of selected programming languages I I I E E E D D D
5. Identify the use of compiler, detecting of errors, and syntaxes I I E E E D D E E
*Level : I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative
No. of Hours Outcomes-based
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning
Lec Lab Outcomes (ILO) Topic Activities (TLA) Resources Needed Assessment
After the completion of the I. Mission, Goals and Objectives
chapter, students should
be able to: Gender and Development
1.Understand the mission, CvSU Orientation
2 goals, and objectives of the Program Educational Objectives Materials
university. and Program Outcomes Class Orientation Recitation
2. Understand gender and GAD Materials
development programs Course Syllabus
After the completion of the II. Introduction to
chapter, students should Programming Languages Brainstorming
be able to: 2.1 Definition of terms TV/ Projector Give examples of
1. Describe what is a 2.2 Generation of programming Lecture programming
programming language languages languages per
2. Familiarize the generation 2.2.1 First generation Discussion Laptop generation
of the programming 2.2.2 Second generation
4 6
languages 2.2.3 Third generation Debate PowerPoint
3. Give examples of 2.2.4 Fourth generation Presentation/ AV
programming languages per 2.2.5 Fifth generation
generation Reflection
After the completion of the III. Machine Language
chapter, students should 3.1 Von Neumann-Eckert model Group dynamics Class activity
4 9
be able to: 3.2 Instruction set
3.3 Programs Brainstorming TV/ Projector Quizzes