Page 100 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 100

1.Understand the different   3.4 Operations
                               instruction set in machine       3.4.1 Load                    Interactive class                          Program in
                               language;                       3.4.2 Store                       discussion               Laptop         machine code
                               2. Create programs in           3.4.3 Add
                               machine code;                   3.4.4 Subtract                 Individual Activity       PowerPoint
                               3. Apply the different          3.4.5 Stop                   Question and answer      Presentation/ AV
                               operations in machine code;       3.4.6 Input/Output

                               After the completion of the   IV.  Elements of programming
                               chapter, students should    language (High-level)              Group dynamics                             Write the syntax of
                                be able to:                4.1 Assignment                                                                the elements of PL
                               1.Discuss the elements of   4.2 Variables                       Brainstorming           TV/ Projector     from three different
                               programming language           4.2.1 Declarations                                                         PL and compare
                               (High-level)                4.3 Constants                      Interactive class                          each
                               2.Differentiate the elements   4.4 Expressions/ Statements        discussion               Laptop
                  6       9    of Programming language        4.4.1 Conditionals
                               from different PL.             4.4.2 Loopings                  Class reporting           PowerPoint       Quiz/ Exercise
                                                           4.5 Functions                                             Presentation/ AV
                                                           4.6 Libraries                        Assignment

                                                                                                Audio Video

                               After the completion of the   V. Lexical Analysis
                               chapter, students should    5.1 Types of translator            Group dynamics                             Differentiate the
                                be able to:                   5.1.1 Interpreter                                                          types of translator
                               1. Explain the types of        5.1.2 Assembler                  Brainstorming
                               translator;                    5.1.3 Compiler                                           TV/ Projector     Analyze the
                               2. Analyze the source       5.2 Analysis of the source         Interactive class                          source program
                               program using different     program                               discussion                              using different
                               analysis;                      5.2.1 Linear/ Lexical Analysis                              Laptop         analysis. (Lexical,
                  6       9
                               3. Create a symbol table of a Tokens            Class reporting                            Syntax and
                               program                  Lexemes                                        PowerPoint       Semantic)
                                                        Pattern                                     Presentation/ AV
                                                              5.2.2 Syntax Analysis             Audio Video                              Quiz/ Exercise
                                                              5.2.3 Semantic Analysis           Presentation
                                                           5.3 Phases of compiler
                                                              5.3.1 Symbol table

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