Page 251 - IOM Law Society Rules Book
P. 251


                    Rule 7 – Duty to remedy breaches

                    (1)  Any breach of the rules must be remedied promptly upon discovery.  This includes the
                    replacement of any money improperly withheld or withdrawn from a client account.

                    (2)  In a private practice, the duty to remedy breaches rests not only on the person causing
                    the breach,  but also  on  all the  principals in the practice.  This duty extends to replacing
                    missing client money or controlled trust money from the principals’ own resources, even if
                    the money has been misappropriated by an employee or fellow principal, and whether or not a
                    claim is subsequently made on the advocate’s indemnity.

                          For payment of interest when money should have been held in a client account but was not,
                          see rule 24(2).

                    Rule 8 – Controlled trustees

                    An advocate  who in the course  of practice  acts as a  controlled trustee  must treat  the
                    controlled trust  money as  if it were  client money, except  when the rules  provide to  the

                    Rule 9 – Liquidators, trustees  in  bankruptcy, Mental  Health Act receivers and
                    trustees of occupational pension schemes

                    (1)  An advocate who in the course of practice acts as

                          (a)   a liquidator,

                          (b)   a trustee in bankruptcy,

                          (c)   a receiver under the Mental Health Act 1998, or
                          (d)   a trustee of an occupational pension scheme which is subject to section 47(1)(a)
                                of the Pensions Act  1995 (an Act of Parliament  as applied to  the Island)
                                (appointment of  an  auditor) and section 49(1) (separate  bank  account) and
                                regulations under section 49(2)(b) (books and records),

                          must comply with:

                                (i)    the appropriate statutory rules or regulations;

                                (ii)   the principles set out in rule 1; and

                                (iii)   the requirements of paragraphs (2) to (4) below;
                          and will then be deemed to have satisfactorily complied with the rules.

                     Rule 9 – Liquidators, trustees in bankruptcy, Mental Health Act receivers and
                                  trustees of occupational pension schemes                       page  8
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