Page 273 - IOM Law Society Rules Book
P. 273


                          (i)   The sum in lieu of interest has to be calculated over the whole period for which money is
                                held – see rule 25(2).  The advocate will usually account to the client at the conclusion
                                of the client’s matter, but might in some cases consider it appropriate to account to the
                                client at intervals throughout.
                          (ii)  When looking at the period over which the sum in lieu of interest must be calculated, it
                                will usually be  unnecessary to check on actual clearance dates.   When money is
                                received by cheque and paid out by cheque, the normal clearance periods will usually
                                cancel each other out, so that it will be satisfactory to look at the period between the
                                dates when the incoming cheque is banked and the outgoing cheque is drawn.
                          (iii)  Different considerations apply when payments in and out are not both made by cheque.
                                So, for example, the relevant periods would normally be:
                                •  from the date when an advocate receives incoming money in cash until the date
                                       when the outgoing cheque is sent;
                                •  from the date when an incoming telegraphic transfer begins to earn interest until
                                       the date when the outgoing cheque is sent;
                                •  from the date when an incoming cheque or banker’s draft is or would normally be
                                       cleared  until the  date  when the  outgoing telegraphic transfer is made  or
                                       banker’s draft is obtained.
                          (iv)  The sum in lieu of interest is calculated by reference to the rates paid by the appropriate
                                bank  or  building society  (see rule  25(2) to  (4)).   Advocates will  therefore  follow the
                                practice of that  bank  or  building society in determining how  often interest is
                                compounded over the period for which the cleared funds are held.
                          (v)  Money held in a client account must be immediately available, even at the sacrifice of
                                interest, unless the client otherwise  instructs, or the circumstances clearly indicate
                                otherwise.   The  need for  access  can  be taken into account in assessing  the
                                appropriate rate for calculating the sum to be paid in lieu of interest, or in assessing
                                whether a reasonable rate of interest  has been obtained  for a  separate designated
                                client account.
                          (vi)  Advocates are reminded to consider any taxation implications relating to interest received
                                and paid on client bank accounts. In particular, but without prejudice to the generality
                                of the  foregoing,  advocates should consider  any  formal  notice received from  the
                                Assessor of  Income Tax, including  such notices as are included in the  annual tax
                                returns of incorporated practices, and the impact of the European Union Savings Tax
                                Directive which came into effect on 1 July 2005.

                    Rule 26 – Interest on stakeholder money

                    When an advocate holds money as stakeholder, an advocate must pay interest, or a sum in lieu
                    of interest, on the basis set out in rule 24 to the person to whom the stake is paid.

                          For contracting out of this provision, see rule 27(2) and the notes to rule 27.

                     Rule 26 – Interest on stakeholder money                                    page  30
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