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                                       amounts of client monies usually held during the accounting period, and,
                                       if so, what the accounting records show to be the approximate amount of
                                       total client monies usually held during the period;

                          (c)   an advocate’s special report on their discovery of any breaches of regulations

                                (i)    material loss to a client, or to clients, or to the practice; or

                                (ii)   dishonesty or suspected dishonesty.

                    (2)  An advocate’s quarterly report pursuant to Rule 50(1)(a) must be delivered within one
                    month of the end of the period to which it relates and should state:

                          (a)   whether or not the reconciliation provisions of Rule 32(7) have been complied
                                with in the period;

                          (b)   whether or not differences identified on reconciliation in the period have been
                                explained and corrected;

                          (c)   whether or not in the  period the  operation of the  accounting systems  and
                                internal controls established and  maintained by  the practice to ensure
                                compliance with Part D of the rules has been satisfactory.

                    (3)  An advocate’s annual report pursuant  to Rule 50(1)(b)  must be delivered within six
                    months of the end of the accounting period.

                    (4)  An advocate’s  special report pursuant to  Rule  50(1)(c)  must be delivered as soon  as
                    practical after the discovery giving rise to it, and in any case, within three working days of
                    that discovery.

                    (5)  In delivering reports to the Society advocates must also provide such other information
                    as is, or may be, material in enabling the Society to reach a decision on whether, and if so, to
                    what extent, the Society should exercise its powers under Rule 34 of the rules.

                    PART H – COMMENCEMENT

                    Rule 51 – Commencement

                    (1)  The rules must be implemented not later than 1st July 2008; until a practice implements
                    the rules, it must continue to operate the Advocates’ Accounts Rules 2001.

                    (2)  Practices opting to implement the rules before 1st July 2008 must implement them in
                    their entirety, and not selectively.

                    (3)  Part F of the rules (accountants’ reports) will apply to:

                          (a)   reports covering any period of time after 1st July 2008; and also

                     Rule 51 – Commencement                                                     page  51
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