Page 11 - New player project
P. 11
• OUR role is to provide you with the most successful time of your career.
• To do this, we have devised many forms of monitoring to ensure that we are getting
you into the best shape of your life and readying you for a successful season.
The following table shows the monitoring methods that we will conduct to ensure that
you are ready to perform:
Monitoring Detail
GPS Monitoring you daily, weekly and 4 weekly GPS data and trying to minimise change
Assessing the amount of variance within your testing to ensure that you are physically ready to
Daily monitoring
Reviewing the trends and amounts of treatments that you have and ensure you are receiving the
Physio treatment audit
amount of maintenance that you require
Top speed running Ensuring that as games approach, you have reached near to you top speed recorded, therefore
improving your tolerance to sprint work, reducing hamstring injuries in particular
Mesocycle testing Regular performance testing and reviewing it against your current and previous scores
Ensuring that your stats are reaching levels where you are used to hitting and also hitting the set
Match day GPS metrics
targets provided
Ensuring that you continue to take the correct type and amount of nutrition on board thus making
Nutrition status
your body ready for competition