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Microgrid Energy System
                     Eaton’s Electrical Engineering Services & Systems

                     Local power sources are becoming

                     a must, not a luxury

           An upward trend of extended outages due to aged
           equipment, loss of experienced utility workers and an               According to Eaton’s Blackout
           alarming increase in severe weather-related events is               Tracker Annual Report, electric
           interrupting electric service and impacting significant             outages cost our economy
           portions of the population. Microgrids—stand-alone,                 $150 billion annually and impact
           power generating, distribution and storage systems that             approximately 14.2 million people.
           can isolate itself from the primary utility grid, provide load
           control and optimize energy usage—can provide a reliable
           and efficient solution to unexpected power loss.       Eaton’s microgrid/energy    Eaton’s solution
                                                                  storage experience
                                                                                             Our experience supplying
                                                                  Over the last decade, Eaton    control systems for microgrid
                                                                  has successfully applied its   and energy storage applications
                                                                  power systems expertise to    molded the design basis for the
                     View Eaton’s microgrid capabilities video.   the design and implementation    Eaton Microgrid Energy System
                                                                  of microgrids and complex   (MES) with the Power Xpert
                                                                  energy storage systems for   Energy OptimizerE controller:
                                                                  military facilities, campuses   a microgrid/energy storage
                                                                  and utilities. We understand   control system that, by design,
                                                                  microgrids’ and energy storage’s   simplifies control system
                                                                  inherent electrical behavior and   configuration, testing, project
                                                                  challenges. Our power system   cycle time and future adapt-
                                                                  experts have developed and   ability to changing microgrid
                                                                  harnessed unique optimization   assets. At Eaton, we believe
                                                                  strategies that maximize system   that advanced control systems
                                                                  performance, functionality    should be configured rather
                                                                  and reliability.           than custom programmed—
                                                                                             the Power Xpert Energy
                                                                                             Optimizer controller accom-
                                                                                             plishes these goals for both
                                                                                             microgrid and stand-alone
                                                                                             energy storage applications.
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