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Available functionality    Control options             Total system design        Eaton’s engineering
                                                                  and support                service team
           •  Individual generation source   •  Low cost operation
             and load control         •  Priority load control    Eaton’s power system expertise   Eaton’s engineering service
           •  Ramp rate control for                               and engineering service capabili-  team delivers solutions
                                                                  ties cover the vital aspects of
             integrated energy storage and   •  Renewable maximization  a microgrid or energy storage   to enhance your electrical
                                                                                             distribution system’s power
             PV applications          •  Energy arbitrage
                                                                  system application including:  performance, reduce operating
           •  Smart energy storage    •  Peak shaving             •  Microgrid feasibility study  costs, and maximize reliability,
             integration and management                                                      safety and integrity. Independent
                                      •  Load shifting            •  Total system design     of the age, manufacturer or
           •  Full system communications                                                     complexity of your electrical
             including high-speed peer-to-  •  Conservative voltage   •  Control system      distribution system, our
             peer messaging             regulation                •  Project implementation  design, build and support
                                      •  Predictive control profiles
           •  Local system HMI with                                                          services integrate and
             system displays for control   given weather and price   •  Full system commissioning   optimize power systems to
                                                                   and startup
             and system status, alarming,   forecasts                                        ensure that it is aligned with
             trending and history     •  Utility demand response   •  Ongoing maintenance    your business goals.
           •  Unintentional and intentional   functionality       Eaton offers turnkey solutions    Eaton’s service team is one
             seamless islanding       •  Embedded battery         for microgrid systems, including   of the largest and most
           •  Automatic energy          management system         generation equipment. The   experienced teams of power
                                                                                             system engineers in the
             management control                                   benefit of turnkey supply is
                                                                  having a single point of contact   industry, with industry-standard
           •  System power quality                                for the entire microgrid project   software and advanced modeling
             management                                           given our advanced project   and analysis capabilities at their
                                                                  management capabilities.    fingertips. Their comprehensive
           •  Synchronized grid                                   Our electrical engineering   portfolio of design services
             reconnection                                         services and systems       includes safety studies and
           •  Grid-fault detection, isolation                     capabilities span the total life-  energy management, power
             and safety interlocks                                cycle from engineered design,   quality and reliability audits.
                                                                  testing and commissioning,
           •  Black start, including                              through life extension and   Eaton understands your
             sequencing and power                                 modernization needs.       business requirements and
             quality stabilization                                                           sets strategies for your power
                                                                  Eaton’s broad utility product    system. With Eaton’s help, you’ll
           •  Frequency and voltage control,                      capabilities, power systems   witness a range of business
             including ancillary services                         design expertise, supply of   benefits, from reduced costs to
           •  Fast internal demand                                renewable energy installa-  a more effective use of capital.
             response control                                     tions, energy storage systems,   Our engineering and consulting
                                                                  microgrid systems, utility    services help you manage your
           •  Enterprise integration                              automation components and   power system as a strategic
             (SCADA, OMS, etc.)                                   solutions, and advanced    resource that can give you a
                                                                  optimization algorithms make    competitive advantage.
                                                                  us uniquely qualified with a
                                                                  unique set of skills.

                                                                                     EATON Microgrid Energy System    3
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