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Eaton Microgrid Energy System

                                  Generation sources
                                  CHP, fuel cells, local generators
                   Solar energy

                                                   Power Xpert Energy
                                                   Optimizer controller

                           Wind energy                                                 Utility grid

                                                                   Energy storage

      Generation,                              Eaton’s modular approach greatly simplifies the overall

      distribution                             control system configuration, integration, testing, training,
                                               on-going support and future adaptability of the Eaton MES

      and control                              to changing assets as microgrid systems evolve with new
                                               generation resources, economics and changing load
                                               configurations and priorities.

                                  Proven, reliable systems   Power Xpert Energy Optimizer   The Power Xpert Energy
                                                             controller                 Optimizer controller’s modular
                                  The hardware basis of the                             approach allows the Eaton MES
                                  Eaton MES is the utility-proven   The Power Xpert Energy   to be efficiently scaled to any
                                  SMP family of controller, server   Optimizer controller is the    application size, or adapted
                                  and I/O modules coupled with   MES’ system control module.    to changing generation/ load
                                  our Yukon™ Visual T&D HMI   It maintains overall system   assets, simply by choosing and
                                  products. These products are   stability, shaves peak demand,   configuring the appropriate
                                  designed and implemented   shifts loads, manages black   templates. Preconfigured and
                                  for substation automation   starts, achieves lowest total   customer templates are
                                  applications with installations   cost, maximizes renewable   available so our customers
                                  throughout the world, and are   energy contribution or    can achieve their specific
                                  environmentally hardened with a   provides utility demand   functionality requirements.
                                  long operational history in harsh   response functionality.
                                  outdoor utility applications. By
                                  careful design, they include                          Predictive control
                                  the latest utility cybersecurity   Modular approach/scalable
                                  features and safeguards    system                     Predictive control strategies
                                  embedded into each system   The Power Xpert Energy    utilize weather or price forecasts
                                  device as well as system wide.  Optimizer controller implements   to proactively engage assets
                                  For ease of configuration and   a modular approach. Each type   and load controls to achieve
                                                                                        maximum system performance.
                                  maintenance, the Eaton MES   of generation source and load
                                  is based on open standards   modules are configured for
                                  throughout, including IEC 61850   each application using unique   Pre-tested to ensure
                                  communications. Designed for   templates. Each module   functionality
                                  substation applications, IEC   includes the unit/load control
                                  61850 has the advantage of   module, alarms, reports and   Prior to delivery, each microgrid
                                  providing fast communications   needed HMI screens for    system is subjected to a closed
                                  for successful control strategy   integration and implementation   loop simulation test to ensure
                                  execution requiring low latency   of that generation source or load.  system functionality and control
                                  times such as equipment protec-                       integrity before it arrives at the
                                  tion applications or voltage and                      customer site.
                                  frequency regulation control.

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